For a short version in English, see below.
Fonden skal i henhold til fundatsen i nedennævnte prioriterede rækkefølge yde økonomisk støtte til
- Publicering af arbejder om oceanografiens historie.
- Studier over den fysiske oceanografis historie, fortrinsvis til fordel for nordiske forskeres studier.
- Forskeres arbejde inden for fysiske oceanografi.
Bestyrelsen har fastlagt den praksis, at der ikke ydes økonomisk støtte til ph.d.-studerende/Ph.d.afhandlinger.
Hvad angår selve ansøgningen skal denne i kort, konkret og præcist lægmandssprog beskrive og begrunde, hvad der søges til og hvor stort et beløb, der søges. Der skal, som det mindste, vedlægges følgende bilag:
- Projektbeskrivelse inkl. projektplan (max 1-2 A4 sider).
- Specificeret budgetoverslag.
- Curriculum vitae (max. 1 A4 side) samt
- Publikationsliste.
Såfremt der er ansøgt om støtte hos andre fonde bedes dette oplyst, herunder om andre fonde allerede har foretaget en faglig bedømmelse af ansøgningens videnskabelige relevans og med hvilket resultat.
Ansøgningsfristen er den 1. december i et kalenderår og ansøgningen må meget gerne sendes i elektronisk form i pdf format til administrator advokat Bent-Ove Feldung –
Endelig bemærkes, at kun såfremt en ansøger er kommet i betragtning, vil vedkommende høre nærmere.
Supported tasks
In compliance with its deed of foundation the foundation will provide economical support for the following tasks in a prioritized sequence:
- Publication of studies about the history of oceanography.
- Studies of the history of physical oceanography, primarily work by Nordic scientists.
- Work of scientists within the physical oceanography field.
The board of the foundation has decided not to support PhD students or work with PhD-thesis.
In an application for support the applicant should shortly describe, in a concrete and precise layman’s language, the reasons behind the application and how large an amount that is applied for. As a minimum the following appendices should be attached:
- Project plan/description (a maximum of 1-2 A-4 pages).
- Specified budget.
- Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1 A-4 page).
- Publication list.
If applications to other foundations have been submitted, please state the name of the other foundations. If any of these foundations already have carried out a professional assessment, please state the outcome.
Dates for applications
The application should be submitted to the administrator of the foundation, solicitor Bent-Ove Feldung, e-mail, before December 1st. The application with appendices should preferably be forwarded in PDF-format. There are no application forms available. The assessment meeting typically takes place within a month after that date.
Finally the attention is drawn to the fact that only applicants that have been taken into consideration will receive a concrete message.