Attorney Elise Quaade

Attorney (L), Partner

High Court Attorney
Født 1965
CVR. nr. 35968830, see also <link http: _blank>

Phone: +45 33 15 01 02
Mobile: +45 21 13 60 82
Mail: <link normal elise quaade>

Linkedin: <link https: in elise-quaade-86804966 _blank elise>


Elise has extensive experience in litigation in the area of social law, especially regarding coercive interventions in relation to children and adults. She also specializes in family law and handles cases involving divorce, child custody, visitation cases etc. Elise also has high knowledge of workplace injury cases, as she has worked at the National Board of Industrial Injuries and Appeals Board, and in her previous capacity as an attorney to the Danish Government (Kammeradvokaten), she has also conducted litigation in this area. Professional experience


  • MA (Law) University of Copenhagen 1992.

Professional experience

  • Ministry of Taxation 1992-1993
  • Ministry of the Interior 1993-1996
  • Ministry of Health 1996-2001
  • Ministry of Employment, including the National Board of Industrial Injuries 2002-2006
  • Appeals Board 2006-2009
  • Kammeradvokaten/ Law Firm Poul Schmidt (Legal Advisor to the Danish government) 2009-2014


  • The Danish Bar and Law Society
  • The Association of Danish Law Firms
  • The Association of Litigation Lawyers


  • Danish, English and Dutch