About Homann
Homann Law firm is an integrated cooperation of independent law firms who aim at full service to business clients, public authorities and private clients. Overall, we are more than 50 people– of which 28 are lawyers. We are specialized in several areas but especially in business matters. For instance can be mentioned that we have 3 lawyers who devote their whole time to taxation matters of all kinds and they support the lawyers dealing with the business clients.
As regard areas of practice please have a specific look at this headline.
We are all members of The Danish Law Society and we are covered by public liability insurance.
The insurance policy is with the Danish company Tryg Vesta Insurance A/S.
The official registration number of the law firm is CVR. no. 17 33 14 85. See attached file.
All the lawyers of the firm are obliged to follow the supervision and disciplinary rules of The Danish Law Society - see www.advokatsamfundet.dk.
In Denmark it is obligatory for a lawyer/law firm to have a separate client account where the monies entrusted by the clients are kept. The latest rules as concern client accounts are from 1. October 2009. More detailed informations can be obtained on demand.
The law firm of Homann has internal rules against money laundering and financing of terrorism, all in accordance with the EU-directives.
Advokatfirmaernes forsikringsforhold kan ses på undersiden: Forsikringsforhold.
Det samlede kontorfællesskabs CVR. nr. er 17 33 14 85. De enkelte kontorfællesskabers CVR. nr. ses her. Samtlige advokater i firmaet er omfattet af Advokatsamfundets tilsyns- og disciplinærsystem og af reglerne om god advokatskik, jf. retsplejelovens § 126. Herudover gælder de advokatetiske regler. Vort firma anvender ikke aftaleklausuler om lovvalg og/eller værneting, medmindre dette aftales med klienten.
Samtlige advokater i Homann er beskikket af Justitsministeriet i Danmark. Homann Advokater har vedtaget interne regler om forebyggende foranstaltninger mod hvidvask af udbytte og finansiering af terrorisme.